Wednesday, January 21, 2009


It would appear that I've succumbed to doing this. Not writing. That's just a given; I've been spouting nonsense for years - xanga, myspace, and to the degree it will let me, facebook. I mean an actual blog, with a fancy title, URL and all the trimmings. Yum.

If you are reading this, you're likely asking yourself or anyone in the vicinity why the hell I would do this. The honest truth is, I don't really know yet. Maybe it's a way for me to "mature" as a writer of random, stupid things put in a tight-knit, non-stupid fashion so that whenever I escape into the real world with careers and fast cars and somebody asks, "Hey, didn't you write something on the Internet today?" I can then respond, "Why, yes. Yes I did." This might be followed by a handshake or a small dance of sort.

I don't exactly know if my writings are noticed by anyone outside the one friend I have that reads all my stuff either out of sheer boredom or something to preoccupy him while his porn is downloading on Limewire. But I figured I'd give it a shot here, if anything else.

On record, I'm known... okay, notorious for reviews. Not so much the "LOL, this suxxx, Z3R0 out of F1V3 STARRRRRRZ" crap any forum poster can manage to stamp on their keyboard with hammy fists. But I've been noted to be a bit harsh on some stuff. I somehow found that I can write a scathing review of a game like Assassin's Creed after fumbling with the awful controls for only fifteen minutes. But now it seems that my buddies have made my pessimism and knack for criticism a running gag, to the point where they prompt me to review meaningless crap like how someone dropped their keys while unlocking a door or how a dog sits on the couch.

To sum it up short, don't expect simple reviews. Expect experiences.

But I won't waste time pondering on just games here. Anything that sprouts from my mind may show up. And this blog will also test my ability to refrain from another notorious trait: the ever-present potty mouth. Not that I won't curse outright, or I'm trying to get to a better place if I croak. I realize that I'm a grown-up (and use that justification abusively), but I just feel that I do enough of that in person. To paraphrase Lewis Black in some way, this blog will have a "five fuck" limit. Or something like that. We'll see how that works.

The only other thing I can think to write is that I don't have any other things to write. At least not now, not in this post. I just wanted to say hi (HAI) and spend some time figuring out this damn template and get all the kinks fixed so it's all snappy up in this bitch.

See, there's cussings. It's like we're home.

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