A follow-up on the ice storm - it was nothing like the previous, spooky one, and on top of icing up the roads I was granted freedom from half my classes. I hate having wasted my pre-paid shuttle fare, but them's the breaks. By Friday the ice was all but melted away, leaving a feeling of contentment and vehicles needing a good washing.
I'd been on the fence about purchasing games until my precious Street Fighter IV is released (two more weeks! Eee!), but I caved in. Two 360 games caught my attention for odd reasons. I'll go with the one I've pretty much "beat" first.
Scene It: Box Office Smash is... okay, I think I've already lost your attention now. That's alright. I'm not exactly thrilled with myself for buying it. Or getting over 800 achievement points in it in the course of two days. Scene It appeals to the most base of entertainment senses - the game comes with controllers with big, shiny buttons and there are pictures of movies on the box. Some would argue that I might as well buy a Wii, given I can find one, but I hate the Wii so no. And my most viable excuse for purchasing this was that I would like to have at least one four-player game that won't cause everyone to get pissed off at each other. Sort of. Maybe.
The end result of the multiplayer test was mixed at best. I seemed to have broke the game by having played it too damn much by the time my friends played it, but it was somewhat enjoyed by all. If anyone needs some easy (ie: no gaming skills required) achievement points, this isn't a terrible game. You'll just have an uphill battle convincing your friends that this is good.
And thus last night my self-control broke again, and I picked up Skate 2. Mind you, I have never touched the Skate series, but having weaned on the older, better Tony Hawk games, I have some idea how to muddle in skateboarding games. I also have yet to open the shrink wrap on the game because I have had lots of school crap to do to catch up for last week's sabbatical. But I figured what the hell, the last skateboarding game I dabbled in was Tony Hawk Underground 2, and that wasn't exactly the most memorable experience. And I get the idea that this is not one of those games I'm A.) going to get wrapped in and takes over my life, and B.) not Street Fighter IV, so it's a safe purchase. Having looked at the reviews, and wasted my money on wankier games (goddamn Nintendo DS), I could do much worse.
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