Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Well, Yes, It's Another Update.

I guess I'm going for some kind of procrastination record, as I've gotten too lazy to even write about stuff or *gasp* review stuff. Such is life. I almost considered throwing my truck in the trash until it was fixed proper for the problem it had. I think my inability to travel in my own comfy vehicle has somehow screwed up my sense of time and place. Hence, putting stuff off.

I beat Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts to the point where it said I had beaten it, but I know better. One can reach the final challenges with 75 puzzle pieces, but there are 131 in total. My enjoyment of the game began to wane around 60, so going after twice as many wasn't going to win me over. Mind you, I like the game, but some of the missions became more frustrating than necessary for a non-Japanese game. I don't expect my balls coddled by games in general anyway. However, the idea of repeating a simple "race to the finish line" challenge ten or so times when it's as blatant as "drive in a circle really fast" gets old.

But right now I'm kind of pissed of at Xbox 360s. Cooper got Xbox Live, my ticket into getting some well-needed updates. My first trip included my console, where I successfully downloaded Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Oh boy, it's awesome. Until I bring it home and realize I forgot my only controller. So yesterday I traveled back armed with only my hard drive, believing this was the only necessity for getting assorted things off of Live. with my remaining points I purchased a costume pack for SFIV and some Samurai Shodown gamerpics. When I got home last night, apparently my downloadable content save on SFIV is "corrupted." In other words, no costumes in SFIV when I play on my own system. I've yet to test whether I A.) need access to Live to get this stuff (implausible), or B.) actually have to download the shit with my own console instead of from another's. I'd read somewhere that one needs to use their own console for keeping content, but it seemed insane. I'm not so much pissed off as I am irritated - pissed off would be if I couldn't access my $15 game. But it looks like I'm out the Microsoft equivalent of around five bucks, and that's pretty dumb. I've also yet to test my other games that received free downloads, like Guitar Hero III and Prince of Persia, but I don't expect any better results.

Still, I got SSF2THDR. Again, sweeeeeet.

On the PSP side, I bought Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? It's essentially a Mario-esque platformer starring the explosive penguins from the Disgaea series. For me, not a tough sell, especially when they pack it with an otaku soundtrack disc. Much to my dismay, Prinny is a hit-or-miss game. It takes a tried system of gameplay and basically botches it with floaty controls (good luck with jumping) and a difficulty system influenced by an in-game clock. I wasn't aware of this and became so frustrated with the mechanics I caused a overly churchy co-worker to gasp in amazement after uttering "fuck" during a break. Followed by "shit." She threatened that I'd have to put money in a cuss jar, but I informed her that it wouldn't be necessary as I was not ten years old. Hey, I don't enjoy getting pissed off at games either, lady, but as Lewis Black would relate, what AM I supposed to say? Pussyfeathers? Sassafrass? Grow up into the 21st century. There are Youtube videos where cats meow "fuck" readily available. Or if not, there should be.

I'm off-topic. Prinny would be good if NIS America continued making turn-based strategy games instead of experimenting with wanky platformers. enough said.

The weather has become more erratic the last few days. It snowed over the weekend, then melted and the sun shone for a good day, then mild hail and thunderstorms last night. As of today, it's a decent 55 degrees and sunny. I'm expecting frogs to fall out of the sky before the week's over.

So enjoy yourselves, sip something alcoholic, go download some Adam Carolla podcast, and have a wonderful whatever until I get back on here. That is, if anyone actually reads this damn thing.


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